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In The Clouds: Get High with LSD

Short for lysergic acid diethylamide, LSD has captivated the imaginations of scientists, artists, and seekers [...]

Pros and Cons of DMT Vape

Psychedelic exploration has witnessed a significant shift with the emergence of DMT vapes as a [...]

Can Magic Mushroom Enhance Your Yoga Experience?

The world of wellness has witnessed a growing fascination with the potential synergy between ancient [...]

Is LSD Legal in Canada?

Exploring the legal status of LSD in Canada is a must for anyone interested in [...]

Taking Shrooms For The First Time

Using psychedelics, particularly magic mushrooms or “shrooms,” is a decision that beckons curiosity and caution [...]

How Long Can Shroom Stay in Your System?

Shrooms, scientifically known as psilocybin mushrooms, have long captivated humans with their enigmatic allure and [...]

Can You Take Shrooms Two Days in a Row?

Is it prudent to consume shrooms on consecutive days? But before we address that, let’s [...]

Does DMT Alter Your Perception Of Time?

DMT has captured the curiosity of explorers of the mind for decades. Dimethyltryptamine, commonly known [...]