Deep Purple crystal
MDMA3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (also known as ecstasy, E, XTC, emma, molly, mandy, pingers, and MDMA) is a classical entactogen substance of the amphetamine class. It is the most well-known and widely-used member of the entactogens, a diverse group that includes MDA, methylone, 4-MMC, and 6-APB. It produces its effects by promoting the release of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine in the brain, particularly serotonin.
Subjective effects include stimulation, anxiety suppression, disinhibition, enhanced empathy and sociability, relaxation, and euphoria. It is classified as an entactogen due to how it facilitates feelings of closeness with one’s self and others. A notable property of MDMA is that tolerance builds unusually quickly and many users report that it dramatically loses effectiveness if used on a frequent basis.
Threshold 20 mg
Light 50 – 80 mg
Common 80 – 150 mg
Strong 150 – 200 mg
Heavy 250 mg +
Total 3 – 6 hours
Onset 30 – 45 minutes
Come up 15 – 30 minutes
Peak 1.5 – 2.5 hours
Offset 1 – 1.5 hours
After effects 12 – 48 hours