Category Archives: Ketamine

The Role of Set and Setting in Psychedelic Usage

The Role Of Set And Setting In Psychedelic Usage

For those who have taken a psychedelic drug at the same dose in two different environments, they may have gained an appreciation for the concept of “set and setting”. This term is widely used within psychedelic communities to describe the relationship between the substance, the individual’s internal state, and the external environment. An example could […]

What is the Difference Between Natural and Synthetic Psychedelics?

Difference Between Natural And Synthetic Psychedelics

Psychedelics often get a bad name as useless “designer drugs” or “party drugs,” which is unfair. Even though LSD and MDMA were first made in laboratories, some psychedelic compounds, like psilocybin and mescaline, come from plants and have been used as medicines for thousands of years. There are some distinctions between natural and man-made psychedelics, […]

What Are Psychedelics?

What Are Psychedelics

Psychedelics are a group of drugs that enable users to see and feel things that aren’t there, and some people use them for religious or spiritual reasons. But, they can also be dangerous and addictive if not used properly – many of them are illegal in the U.S. However, recent studies show that some psychedelics […]

S-Ketamine vs. R-Ketamine: Key Facts You Ought to Know

S-Ketamine Vs. R-Ketamine

The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies depression as one of the leading causes of disability in the world, with about 5% suffering from this condition. In the United States alone, it is estimated that 7% of Americans suffer from major depression. A substantial number of patients find success with therapy and antidepressants. However, some patients […]